Oh so gullible!
Well we were three but now are only two, that is the contractor count at my current employer. One of the contractors has accepted a permanent position, not for the best of reasons – but he has accepted it none the less. The data centre relocation to Europe has been going on at a steady rate with only a few systems still to go, of the original 250 systems/environments that we had to move, we have moved 72 – it would seem that as the customer had to pay for the rest of them they were no longer essential.

It’s likely that the final figure will be in the high 80’s or it may make the low 90’s, this is a long way off the mark we were expecting. It is likely that the the final figure will be around one third or two fifths of the original guesstimate, there isn’t much time to complete the moves as the funding for the project will end at the end of November. Current estimates are that the project will over run by about a week, but then we’ll just have to wait and see – or will we?

On a lighter note, I may be the new owner of the sombrero for a couple of Months/Weeks/Days/Hours/Minutes (Select the most likely). This was due to me misconfiguring a server, once I had looked at it I think I resolved the problem (but only time will tell). I get to keep the Sombrero until some one can take it off me, well I’ve been away from the office for a couple of hours so he has probably got it back and I don’t even know it! I’m just taking a wild guess here you understand, still I’m happy with the odds.

I will probably be going  to one of the other offices later this week, I’m told that the quality of the food has improved immensely. The fact that the Chef has gone, the kitchen staff have been moved or are off sick because they have sobered up is just a coincidence. I’ll let you all know when I have first hand experience of the gourmet delights that are now being served, in the temple of culinary excellence. I have a feeling that the next disaster I’ll have to pay for, it will be at the till in the canteen.