Our UsersAs can be seen from the picture, the users that we select to use our systems and interface with our customers are among the best in our industry.
They are trained to the highest standard possible, well at least to a level commensurate with the I.Q. that they exhibit in their day to day interactions. They are provided with the optimum working conditions, along with a superior remuneration package that includes protection from the danger of the inter-net and being eaten. Additionally they are able to interact on a peer level with our customer base, except when the customers have a valid point – in which case they have to pass the customer to someone operating in a supervisory capacity.
In order to keep our users at the forefront of technology and customer relations, there is an intensive effort made by the training department. Some of whom are a day older than god, an example of the training materials used can be found here
just one of the quality training videos issued by our inhouse training department.
As can be seen from the training video, there is absolutely no effort spared in the training of our customer facing staff. It’s obvious that all our staff are fully trained to meet the exacting demands of the European market place. This training is not exclusive to our customer facing staff, it encompasses the full management structure as well.
Satisfaction Garanteed.The standard of our trainers is a garantee of the quality that our customers experience each and every time that they contact us, we are firm beleivers in the adage that the customer is always right – well except when we say that they aren’t.
As can be seen from the image on the left, we are prepared to listen to our users when they think that as customer they have not been treated fairly. We treat customer satisfaction as a priority, there are mandatory retraining courses for members of our customer facing staff to take in the event that we have one of the very rare complaints from customers. It’s a fact that we have a very low complaint rate, our experience with customers tells us that if we hang up on them when they start to complain they won’t keep going if they have to keep coming through the convoluted menu system for calling in – especially if we block their telephone number.
As an aside, we are quite happy when a member of staff leaves and goes to a competitor, this generally means that the mean I.Q. of both organisations goes up – a net gain for every one in my book!