Well the day in the office went OK I suppose, the person mentioned in yesterdays post still hadn’t delivered – not that I expected things to be that good. I managed to get most of the tasks done and get back to my digs just after 18:00, what to do now I thought and a blog entry was the choice. When I opened the blog there was a comment by my colleague Consuela d’sombrero intimating that the person we know as the Relocation Manager should inherit the name Slinky, not having met him I went looking for a picture of him. The picture that I found makes so much sense and now I know why he should be called Slinky, one other thing that I’ve had confirmed by the picture is the fact that his head isn’t visible because it’s so far up his own arse! I’m up for giving someone a fair crack of the whip, but in my opinion this chap is just taking the piss, still I’ll have a chance to check him out over the next couple of weeks when someone that I’ve known for over 20 years will be back from abroad – he is acquainted with Slinky and should be able to provide an honest opinion.
I’ve checked out the definition of Relocation and it comes back as:-
Moving or relocating is the process of vacating fixed location (such as a residence or business) and settling in a different one. A move can be to a nearby location within the same neighborhood, a much farther location in a different city, or sometimes a different country
I’m pretty sure that Slinky will manage to bollox that up, when I think of the way he has behaved – I do get the urge to choke the living shit out of him. I’m sure I’ll get over it eventually, but I’m just not sure when.
I’ve calmed down over some of the other things that happened today, first off there was the requirement to rebuild a server – even if I had provided the exact instructions to someone else in the team on how to do it! Undoing all of his work took some time, the actual work that I had specified took around 15 minutes. The person that did the work has spent two days doing it, completeing probably around 30 minutes of usefull work in that time – it was the usefull work that I had to undo this morning.