Don't shoot him - you'll make him angry!

Today I waited for someone to do something that they told me they would do, I was I’m sorry to say disappointed. Without being too scathing about this, at 16:49 I realised that I was dealing with a total plonker, his abilities as a manager were inferior to those that my Goldfish possessed. Now I work for an equal opportunities employer, some thing that I’m quite proud off. But the way that this chap is working at the moment makes me feel that we also have some kind of role in care in the community. As a result we have to look after some of the incompetent idiots that work in the IT world, these fall into a couple of categories – the one that I’m talking about here is the type that can “talk the talk” but due to some mental impairment they are unable to “walk the walk”.

It would give me huge pleasure to dispatch this individual and my preferred method would be the persistent use of a Cheese Grater, I would like to take my time in explaining to this individual why I’m killing him using my favoured method. But I won’t get my hopes up about the level of enjoyment that this will return, the guy manages to make my days at work miserable so he’ll probably tell me how many times this has been done to him before and how it won’t work because I’m not professional enough.

This is how it works.

However to give you an inkling of his abailities I will say that I think the cartoon on the left is a pretty accurate sumation of his abilities. The only redeeming quality that he has is his ignorance, it manages to impair his ability to see just how big a pratt he actually is. This can be beneficial when it comes to delivering shrouded insults, however it’s a bit like fishing with dynamite if you must know – not that I’ve ever done that. A great idea, but not if you ever want to fish the same spot again. I’m not the only person that he has pissed off, there are many others. One sent me a little quote which goes like this:-Some people are like Slinkies … not really good for anything, but you can’t help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs.