And the winner is......
Well as the week draws to a close and especially as I’m working Friday, Saturdy and Sunday. Today is the time to award of the dress Sombrero, this award goes to one of the systems admins for making a special effort. Unfortunately most of the effort was directed towards moving his genitalia to his forehead (That’s if he has any genitalia), still every body should be allowed to do that once in a while. It’s just that this pratt seems to be making a special effort, directed specifically towards getting promoted to the highest grade of tosser that he can – after all if a jobs worth doing – It’s worth being a total dick just to make a point. This systems admin has managed single handedly to trash the work done by several people, yet he has brushed it off with the it’s only a test server routine. The server in question is a Sun F-12K has recently been given over to the systems admin team (The one he doesn’t seem to be a member of!). To be fair his CV was pretty accurate and with hindsight I can honestly say that he only missed one small item ( a mere detail) off it. The one that pointed out that he was a total Wanker.

Now it could be argued that I’m not being fair to the Contractor, well tough titty – he’s being a pratt. In addition he’s been a plagiarist, not that he would know what that meant. The person in question had not worked in IT for the past couple of years, he’d spent the time running a gokart track – which is probably the best possible training that there is for being an IT contractor. If you’re going to piss your colleagues off (and he has), there had better be some upside to the equation, but at the moment there doesn’t seem to be one worth mentioning. As to the Sombrero award, this one comes with crossed bandoliers and possibly after some debate a pair of assless chaps.

Anyway here’s me moaning about this when I have enought stuff of my own to deal with, tomorrow I have to deliver a working solution that  will manage the information that we have on each user. The database is modeled on one used at Motorola for a similar purpose, that is ensuring that the appropriate controls are in place when it comes to user accounts.

The other thing that will probably cause some amusement is the fact that the auditors that will be coming to visit me are from Price Waterhouse Cooper, the previous experience that I have had of these people indicates that they don’t really have a clue about systems security. So I could probably get through the audit if I took them for a nice cup of tea! Or if I can’t baffle them with science I can surely blind them with Bullshit!!!!