So I’ve been looking at a scope of work for two months now and I’m getting really whizzed off about this bit of work, it started like many jobs – with a phone call. On the phone it was dead simple, take some cloud based VM’s into support – I mean how hard could that be right?
Two months down the line and we still don’t know what the scope is and nobody can confirm yet, but we are expecting to take on the support before the end of the year. When the scope is defined we’ll have to chase the goal posts for at least an other month at a guess, then we’ll find out that the whole exercise is something we could do standing on our heads or possibly a large crock of excrement!
What do I think, well I think it will be the latter of the two. The handover from the existing support mechanism for the end client by the cloud service provider, is going to mean that much of the environment is going to stay in house. I can understand why, I mean who would give an outside company access to the back end Hypervisor and Storage infrastructure when it’s shared by dozens and maybe hundreds of clients? But it’s really frustrating when you can’t even find out what bits you are actually going to get, it’s like the chalk has been lost so no one can draw the line for the goal.
Is this where the planning meeting is?
So far the stand up meetings are running at two a week, we’re still waiting on basic reports that we asked for six weeks ago – almost none of the requests for information have been fulfilled and I’m thinking of engaging an arsonist to solve the problem. But knowing my luck, this would be the one company in the world that will have a fully documented and tested Disaster Recovery plan that works.
But the best thing about it all is that the senior management involved have decided that it’s happening, it just seems that everyone technical doesn’t know enough or care enough to make it happen.