Sew like the wind!

Today wasn’t the best of days in the office, with only six days remaining to the office move I was trying to get going with some solaris virtualisation which presented some unexpected problems – mainly down to the fact that I didn’t RTFM. The problem I’m setting up some x86 virtual inside VMware, the problem I need to set a host id – 80cdf985 to be exact. The result when I followed the provided instructions was a bad host id, on reading the blog post with the instructions – the one that was provided as a guideline. I found that it is not possible to set an id unless it starts with a zero, so much for that idea then!

It was back to the drawing board at that point, the reason cited for using this methodology  (some Perl code) was that “we don’t want virtualisation inside virtualisation” – it seems that it may be the only option at the moment. I will investigate this further and should be able to test it on Monday, that will be just five days before the office relocation. So as with the villagers helped by “The Three Amigos”, I’d better learn to sew like the wind!