Money, Money, Money!
Money, Money, Money!

So how about this bitcoin malarky, well at first glance it seems to be a great idea. Just five years ago you could “mine” these coins with a fairly modest home computer, however over time the “difficulty” of minning these “Crypto Coins” has gone up hugely. In the previous post I shared a couple of links to related content, the first link was to a site that gives away bitcoin albeit in very small amounts. The second was to a set of instructions for creating an on line wallet to keep your coins in.

After a little investigation what I will say is that I’ve been surprised by the numbers of these “Crypto Currencies”, also by the numbers of people giving them away – especially as these bitcoins are around the £300 ($500) value mark at the moment. I did look at bitcoin mining around 2010, but wasn’t that interested (silly me) – but with the interest in the old digital foot print I have started to take a greater interest. I have looked at how you go about mining these coins, well for the most part it’s pretty straight forward – but a bit to long winded to explain here. Suffice to say that it will take a long time to get any where money wise, unless you’re prepared to chuck a fairly significant amount of money at the hardware.

Having had a look at the mining hardware, I’m not really in a position to go for any upmarket hardware – so I decided to investigate an other tack. You probably guessed where this is going, I’ve had a quick fool around with free Bitcoin and decided that I’m not going to be a millionaire using this route either. I found a site that collects a lot of free bitcoin sites together and allows you to go from one to the next collecting free bitcoin. I thought this was pretty good, the site is called “Land of Bitcoin” and they will dish out very small fractions of Bitcoin called “Satoshis” at regular intervals. I am now the proud owner of several thousand “Satoshis”, or for people that want something to compare it to about 10p or 0.16$ and it only took me a couple of hours to amass that small fortune as part of the research for this post.

There is one real benefit that I have found and for many people it will be a boon, I am now an expert at Captcha – no really I am. So what I’d say is the following, if you want to own some free bitcoin – read the previous post. Get your wallet and register with the site mentioned, you’ll get your first free bitcoin straight away. Then have a crack at the “Land of Bitcoin” site, where you can get some more free bitcoin – you’ll soon find that reading the most obfuscated text will come second nature within just a couple of short hours. So free bitcoins – I jest not, but you’ll probably hate me for it.

Also, if anyone would like to give me some bitcoin – send it here 13nUxLquudxymUNXEGjLQ1npa1ce2xCUwR