Checking for Bugs.
The latest massive project that the company is running, the migration of all applications to SAP is running a bit behind schedule due to some bugs in some of the software. There is also the added problem that some of the users and testers that are assigned to the project may be intellectually challenged, in the nicest way possible you understand – it’s not like they don’t know what they are doing. It’s just that they think that they are doing something else, you know like playing monopoly or scrabble or something similar. Not checking end to end function of the software that will affect thousands of users and millions of customers, it would seem that the primary goal of the testers is to get a treble word score using a Z and Q – while the users aspire to placing a hotel on Mayfair. This gives them the best chance of winning the game, however it’s totally useless when it comes to finding bugs in software.

A typical example of this was seen earlier in the month, during the night a new client was rolled out. The following morning there were many users who connected to the application only to find that the bit that they needed was greyed out, this hadn’t been picked up by the testers as they had been testing “Pictionary”  and as there was no picture of a bug – well need I say more. Even though all the testers desktops have recently been upgraded and the new ones have a little sticker on the outside that says Intel Inside, what the sticker doesn’t say is …………………