Well Garry Rotter’s been up to his magical tricks again, the Unix estate all went into panic mode this morning as an other of the marvelous non-intrusive scans did it’s work. I’ve decided that for years I’ve been using the wrong dictionary, I should be using one with the real meanings – the one where the word non-intrusive means pound on the system for hours. I’m also aware that I’m not dressing to impress these Muppets, I should have a pointy hat with the Sun, the Moon and some Stars on it then they’d maybe take me seriously.
On the up side, one of the other systems admins decided to do something about it – he’s still young and naive. When you make some simple changes to a system and reboot it, you always stand or sit there with that little smug expression on your face, you know the one – yes thats the one! The one that is going to get wiped off your face, when the system steadfastly refuses to come back up. Still after you’ve got the system back in some semblance of order, you make a mental – don’t do that again note to yourself.
Then the train of thought turns to payback, I’m still quite impressed with the Cheese Grater and the Squirty thing of Lemon juice – but that now falls into the cruel and usual punishment criteria. So there is now a need for some thought on this matter, I mean there must be some way of not getting into trouble with health and safety while at the same time dealing a fatal blow with a blunt instrument. I’m reliably informed that Bark Strippers, Bacon Slicers and Bolt Cutters are out, but know that there must be a tool that would do the job and comply with legislation. But now feel better in that there are now two of us trying to work out how to kill this Pillock!