Today is a Tuesday, the unhappy day for a systems administrator. This is the day where the failures from the weekend have to be dealt with after all you managed to hold off doing anything Monday, the day where you have to try things for the first time because officially you’re too busy on Monday.
I handed over some completed scripts, the users seemed to be more than happy with the function of the scripts and the output. All in all the day started not too badly, then along came the first user just to prove a point.
The scripts that you delivered are wrong, “they don’t do what we want” the user said. “They do what they were written to do” was the response, “yes we know that, but it isn’t what we need them to do”. I reach for my notebook and hand over the email detailing the script function, the user scans the tattered hard copy of the email and tells me that he meant something else and why didn’t I ask him for clarification. I wish that I’d renewed my prescription for telepathy pills, I won’t do that again – will I?
I imagine his face turning puce as I choke the life out of him, give a resigned sigh and ask for clarification. There is a long winded non technical explanation, I nod in his direction frequently – he finishes with a smile on his face. I ask for a cost center code to charge the work to, the smile vanishes and the user leaves quickly.
Maybe Tuesday’s aren’t so bad after all!