IT at it’s best…

There are still problems with the standards that we are building the systems to, in that they aren’t fixed in place yet. In addition there seems to be some significant communications problems in the European organisation, this has caused us some real issues and is causing a huge amount of frustration. As one of my colleagues suggested today it seems like the Luftwaffe isn’t talking to the Wehrmacht, me I prefer to think that a dog brings you pleasure – however if you don’t keep it under control it’ll end up humping your leg!

The project is effectively at a dead stop now, due mainly to objections from the security team and the previously mentioned lack of communication. I’d best explain the title of the post at this point, anyone who has seen the show “Fraggle Rock” would think that it’s a fictitious place beneath a remote lighthouse at an undisclosed location. In reality it would seem that it’s a subteranean data center somewhere in Northern Europe, with these creatures running the whole IT infrastructure. We have the “Fraggles” doing all the IT management and the “Dozers” (The little guys in the hard hats.) doing all the non virtual things, you know – plugging in cables and moving things around. I think my money is on the “Dozers” having the best time of it and being the more productive team, even if no one communicates with them effectively. Eventually I’m sure that everything will come together, but probably not before there is more blood on the carpet – or the antistatic computer suit floor whatever they have threr’s likely to be blood on it anyway.