Today’s effort was straight forward, into the office and get going with some new systems. In the office before 8:00 and off we went, only machine coffee for company. The disks for the new systems were identified and the systems were built, then the virtual bit – I had a senior moment and locked myself out of the systems. As I still had quite a lot to do I was somewhat creative with my thought processes, however on reflection I decided just to go home instead of burning the office down. The day will probably deteriorate now, it usually does – I couldn’t face the interminable round of phone calls while I tried to get my password reset. So I bailed out of the office and returned to my digs, think that I’ll be cooking a steak for lunch and that the bottle of “The Glenlivet” will get skelped later (That means I’m going to have a small libation in English!). It’s quite good to be in the office on your own some times, it means that you don’t have to keep the brush with the specially shaped handle close to hand. I have some other stuff that I could have done in the office, but as I’ve been in one office or an other for the past goodness knows how many days I decided that two half days on the trot would be nice.
Virtual Systems Admin?
In line with site policy I’d like to say that I’ve awarded myself a Sombrero, confident in the knowledge that it’ll have a new owner soon, although it’s possible that I may have an othere senior moment and I could end up owning it for quite a while – these things seem to be getting more common now. No not the senior moments, the Sombrero award!