I ask you, what’s the difference between Solaris 10 10/9 and Solaris 10 9/10. It’s obvious to me that they are almost the same, but only almost! There are some people out there in the computer world that think that almost is good enough, after all 0 and 1 are fairly close together aren’t they. Do they count as being almost the same, well who can really tell – not me! In truth almost only really matters in the “I almost got hit by a truck” scenario, (god how I hate those lousy truck drivers), so in the context of the IT world it’s a word that has no place.
Although dealing with these people is almost better than dealing with the normal Muppet’s that I have to deal with, it isn’t that great – in fact I find it very exasperating! But I’m looking forward to dealing with more professional and better skilled people when I get arrested for killing one of my fellow team members.
In the day to day work that I carry out most of the people in the team are quite happy to accept that they aren’t in the same league as Einstein, however there is the odd one that is likely to argue the fact! There is also the odd one who is in the same league as Einstein, but they come from Dudley and it wouldn’t matter if they actually were Einstein – because they come from Dudley they’d still sound like they had the intellect of a railway sleeper!
We can almost play the tune! There’s that almost word again, but hey never mind – I was almost a systems admin once. It’s all a bit surreal as people who deal in if’s and maybe’s tend to present problems that they can’t hope to grasp, they just tend to hope that there is someone nearby that understands the statement “It’s the same numbers, just the wrong way round.”
Thought for the day on Tuesday was
“How would you cope if yuo were stranded with your co-workers for 10 weeks?”
I think the truck sounds much more appealing the more I think about it……