I chose the picture because there are so many holes in the floor now and there were several floor tiles up, so you had to “disco dance” around the computer room in order to avoid the holes. Unfortunately I was never a very good dancer so my attempts were doomed to failure from the start, still I managed to almost complete the task before I positioned myself in a “breasts aloft” position. For those of you worried about my safety, fear not there was an other person to hand. A simple phone call would have brought him running to my aid, the security guard was having a nap in reception just like he does most Sundays. So all the health and safety concerns have been addressed and in the usual way, when it’s convenient we just ignore them.
I went back to my desk via Starbucks, not really on the way I knowand got a carry out tea – English Breakfast, not too shabby! While back at my desk I did some more pratting around with Veritas and ZFS, just to see if I could remember what I’d done yesterday. Then I started with doing some notes on the migration strategy, although I’ve done the preliminary work there will probably still be Veritas in use in 10 years time.