I am an excellent communicator!
I am an excellent communicator!

It would seem that I’m going to get Millions, I’ve been approached by a banker – he seems to be dishonest. Now far be it from me to to suggest that he fits the public perception well, but he actually does. How much money am I in line for, seemingly £4,824,700 exactly. The guy that used to own the money has pegged it and the Bank want’s to hang onto the money, no surprise there then.

Anyway I have responded to the request, from the account manager at a well known British bank. This bit is a new twist, normally it’s the Bank of Outer Mongolia that has all these windfalls that people are getting a share of when they transfer the money. And in order to liberate the money I have to be someones birthday, saving enough effort to deal with this guy from Nat West.

If this pans out the normal way, I’ll end up having to report the guy and it will take forever for the police to help out. Still that seems to be the norm now, I’ll let you know about the way it all pans out. I’ll probably have to phone you all individually from wherever I end up.