As some of you will know, I’m currently involved in yet an other data centre closure – well down sizing really. Some of you will also know that I’m actively collecting older systems to send them off to Africa, these machines will hopefully be refurbished and put to good use. The charity that will be doing the work is “Computers for Africa”, this is as I’ve already said being organised through one of my local schools.
Well using my free time over the past couple of days I’ve assisted someone in setting up a blog, it’s very early days and the blog now needs content – this will come through time. The purpose of the blog is to raise awareness of the social problems in Uganda and to follow the process of an adoption, also there is a need to raise funds through the blog so I’ve installed some donate buttons and some Amazon adverts.
But it is a little weird to think that two months ago I was not involved in any projects really and now here I am involved in two, both of which are directly linked to Africa. Sometimes life does throw you a curve ball and it leads you to somewhere you never thought you would be, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see where this one lands.