When it comes to planning major IT projects, some people have it and some people don’t. Now I don’t want to be to disparaging when it comes to people who plan what I have to do, which effectively means they determine how long I work for on a project and consequentially what I earn. But when you complete a project like the one I have mentioned earlier in this blog, where every application has been moved to the custody of our European parent company. Then you discover in less than a year after the completion of the project that the nice new shinny SAN environment, that you have just spent more that a year working on is to be decommissioned. So when the email comes in that tells you that the SAN that everything is on is going to be decommissioned and that you’ll have to do a little work, that you’ve already done – you might be a little surprised. Indeed there is a possibility that you might in fact be a bit PISSED OFF!
But as we all know the work still goes on, there are several options for the migration of the data to the new SAN. And as the new SAN is attached to the nice V-Max disk arrays it will just reside some where in the box. I’ve had tier 1 and tier 3 disk assigned that is FC disk and SATA just to check the performance characteristics and tomorrow I’ll be starting the testing. I have 12 working days to test and report on the procedure and performance, what with the other stuff that I have to do – something will probably have to not get done and I hope that most of it is documentation.
At the moment there are several people head scratching and having profound thoughts about this problem, but like a Goldfish they seem to forget things a few seconds after they thought about them. As for the people who planned the long term strategy on this, the film in their photographic memory seems to be under exposed or possibly missing.