The New Guy in Town.

After a little while it has been noted that the new systems admin is just as productive as some of the longer serving team members. In some respects more productive, as there is no one required to clear up after him. It would seem that he is quite happy to wear the Sombrero, even if the blunder wasn’t his. The normal member of staff that used this desk, demonstrated an excellent  grasp of english – particularly as far as the expletive goes!

You will of course note the excellent keyboard, colour coded for simplicity and allowing the discerning systems administrator to choose what to do just by pressing different coloured buttons. The keyboard is now available for use by the international Oops team, the award is still ready for who ever needs it. It will be waiting for the new owner in due course, I’m sure that some one will win it soon.

Now we’ll see how long the award can be sitting without an owner, probably not very long from previous experience! But at least we have input from the new sysadmin in town to consider.