And the winner is……
Well today was a little bit of a debacle, I was to meet some of my European colleagues at the airport – the flight was delayed. A great start I thought to myself, the day is already running behind and we will have to lose some of the topics we had to discuss. But no, an easier option would be to cancel the trip to the other office to learn about the new security cards that we are being issued with. Then the phone call and agreement that we would not attend the presentation allowed the bulk of the time to be clawed back.

So the information, the cards and the card readers will be collected by an other team member and they will deliver them to us. So how tricky can the new security system be anyway I thought, two and a bit hours later I was wondering as one of our highly skilled and intelligent systems admins had managed to lock his card. But then I was told who it was, not a problem – there isn’t really any problem with the security system. It was just that the person testing the system has the uncanny ability to be able to find his way round any safeguard – this includes the ones that should make some thing impossible.

I’m sure that you will have met this person, they always seem to be able to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory. Anyway in this case it only took this person some 25 minutes to accomplish an impossible task – which is about the same time it takes him to change the kernel and reboot a system – Oh look that didn’t work either. Anyway for managing this task and as a result of his exceptional efforts I have decided to award the Sombrero to El Puerco, the next time we meet I plan to use a Hilti gun to nail the hat on.