The joy of scripting!

The past two days in the office have been spent scripting, not one of my stronger points you understand and not really something that I enjoy. However these scripts will be required to ensure that this project will continue to move forward, ther will be required to move disks from one server to an other dynamically. Now in truth this could be done at an applications level much easier that at a systems level, however the applications Muppets aren’t any more intelligent that the user type Muppets so there’s not really any point in trying to deflect this work.

So how did the day go, well not too bad really. Firstly there was the power outage, well they happen from time to time. Then there was the failure of the monitoring system to deal with, especially as I hadn’t sent out the email from yesterday. This was quickly followed by the phone call from operations telling me that we had a critical alert from one of the Euroean servers, on investigation it was trivial – one of the power supplies had failed.

Where did I get to with the work that I had planned, well further than you may think. I almost got the scripts working. The error checking was a bit of a problem as there were lots of errors around – but it did eventually work. So all in all the loss for the day wasn’t as bad as I had expecetd. Especially when you have a Muppet doing the scripting!