I am an excellent communicator!

As many of you are no doubt aware, when it comes to working on a project where we have to move 200+ environments to a new data center. Communications that are  clear, concise and convey the facts in an accurate manner are essential. This is especially true when the language in the source and destination countries differ, this also explains why someone like the bold Officer Crabtree is unlikely to get a job as a Project Manager in such an environment. I mean when someone says;

 “I was pissing by the door, when I heard two shats. You are holding in your hand a smoking goon; you are clearly the guilty potty.”

It is unlikely that this is the person that you’d like to attend to the small detail in the Virtual Project plan, I mean not having a clue is OK when you are in a permanent position – but when you are hired at a high daily rate to do a job then you should at least make the effort to make sure that people know what you are saying. This is much less likely to inspire confidence when the destination language is German, and the source language is Hindi, as you find out in life there are many things that are  sent to try us – and project managers seem to be right up there amongst them.

As we move into the project – which I might add has very tight deadlines, we have found out that the main project manager – an Irish version of Kojak. Is dynamic, meticulous, pedantic and well rounded, just like Kojak’s lollipop only just not quite as intelligent. His side kick “Stavros” is his saving grace, articulate, knowledgeable, teflon coated these are just a small sample of his qualities. However where he falls down are his additional qualities, arrogance, ignorance, the ability to mete out blame everywhere except where it should be apportioned and his unswerving belief in his own abilities – which seem to be not well founded. These “faults” were definitely not ascertained until it was too late and we were saddled with him! But good news on that front, today I have been invited to his leaving do – woo hoo!

In order to temper my exuberance I have been trying to think of something sad, you know what I mean – so as I don’t get the guilt trip later. But have decided bollox to that I’m going to savour the moment and be there on the day just to make sure he goes, any way enough of the gloating – nah! sod it I’m just going to be happy for me and the other people who might want to kill him with a cheese grater.